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10 мау., жм



CAMP STEAM (2nd Annual STEAM Day)

CAMP STEAM (2nd Annual STEAM Day)
CAMP STEAM (2nd Annual STEAM Day)

Time & Location

2022 ж. 10 мау., 00:00

Bristow, 12612 Fog Light Wy, Bristow, VA 20136, USA

About the event

We are looking forward to our second annual CAMP STEAM on June 10th! Here is a sneak peek of what we will be doing throughout the day!

S-OLVE the Code - Students in K-2 will code a camping adventure with Robot Mice, and our 3-5 students will use Ozobots!

T-ECH Maker Space - Students will build and create music, art and structures, solve puzzles and think outside of the box in our digital maker space!

E-XPAND Your Creativity- Students will create with legos, do a drawing challenge and finish a comic to really work on our creative thinking!

A-UGMENTED Reality (AR)- Students will explore the Life Cycle of a Monarch Butterfly with AR using a free app called QuiverVision!

M-AKE a Tent- Students will use the engineering design process to ask, imagine, plan, create and improve a TENT!

More info in link below

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For inquiries unrelated to the PTO please call the school directly between 9:00am-3:30pm

Address & Phone Number

12612 Fog Light Way  Bristow, VA 20136

      Phone 571-598-3500

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